
Показват се публикации от май, 2017
Area of the male reproductive system, the prostate is a gland located just below the bladder, surrounding the urethra. Prostate-specific antigen (PSA) is a proteins produced by cells in the prostate gland. Degrees of this protein in the system that are greater than normal is definitely an indication of any several types of prostate disorder or disease, including prostate malignancy, making PSA screening tests an essential tool in monitoring prostate levels and protecting general health. THE PROSTATE GLAND AND PSA The primary function of the prostate gland is in the creation of ejaculatory fluid, which protects and nourishes sperm skin cells in semen and helps in permitting sperm motility. It really is typically slightly bigger than a walnut in young men and increases in proportions with get older. The urethra, which is the tube through which urine, and semen in men is carried from the bladder to the genitals, runs through the center of the prostate gland. Prostate-specific antigen